At one point, Zumba was regarded as a top reason people were filing for divorce. The classes empowered them with the confidence, and the cash flow/career as an instructor, to leave an unhappy - and sometimes even abusive - relationship.

Anecdotal or not, it was a really powerful concept and it tracked with what I saw at the neon-clad Zumba classes and international conventions: There is something wildly liberating and maybe-even-magical about a group of otherwise β€œtamed” womxn letting loose and dancing their freakin’ hearts out.

So, for Zumba’s first-ever, true, above-the-line branding campaign, we invited everyone to feel that untamed euphoria, invite Zumba in and #LETITMOVEYOU.

// Agency: 180LA and internal creative team



Free parking. Free cupcakes. Free Pizza. Only catch: You gotta dance. Unexpected fun in unexpected places. Where will Zumba show up next? #LetItMoveYou

// Agency: Motive


the real ones know

My biggest β€œwin” at Zumba was not getting a brand level campaign done (although it was awesome!). It was being a part of shifting the culture to show REAL women: real bodies, real diversity, what women really wanted to see. Castings moved from modeling agencies to Zumba classes and all the marketing to this day features the real instructors and students. That was - and is - a big deal. Especially in the fitness and fashion world.
