There is a Japanese proverb that says; A bath refreshes the body. Tea refreshes the mind.

In that spirit, we worked to create a multi-sensory experience that connected the natural ingredients of the new Pure Leaf Teahouse Collection with a meditation + visualization. Each flavor was paired with a desired outcome: Wanna feel energized? Pop open a Green Tea with hints of fuji apple and invigorating ginger as you are whisked away to an apple orchard by the mesmerizing voice and music. Need to relax? Then Black Tea in the brush of a forest is your jam. 

Working in voice was a fun challenge that had the theatre aspects of radio (radio!) and the UX and UI of web. Plus, I got to work with my yoga and meditation teacher who is the co-writer and voice talent. She is magic.

Click for some zen below (no tea required) or say “Alexa, open Tea House meditation for the full experience. 

Agency: Skilled Creative // Meditations: Claire Santos/12 Sparrows // Music/Scoring: CliqueLemon


Miami HEAT