Miami HEAT


// HEAT ’08-09: Something To Prove 

When I first joined the HEAT, the team was coming off a league worst season. So, while the “Something to Prove” campaign we presented was about Wade and the team .. it was also about a girl with a boys name who got hired under the assumption that she was in fact a boy … and knew how to talk basketball. Gulp. (Spoiler alert: the girl is me and the basketball talk was non existent at best). 

But as with all great brand work, we connected with a human truth: that when people have counted you out, you can either believe them or prove them wrong. 

The “Doubters” billboard went up pre-season with zero branding and intro’ed the campaign with a buzz. And the season did just was we’d hoped: proved the doubter wrong. 

// HEAT ’09-’10: Good Enough, Ain’t Enough

One good season may have quieted the critics, but these were superstars and we were not settling for “Good Enough”

// HEAT ’10-’11: Yes. We. Did. 

By now, I was a legit basketball fan and I got to work directly with Pat Riley and team on the very-NDA-protected-and-never-gonna-be-in-my-portfolio Free Agency pitch that ultimately brought the Big Three to Miami. 

I’m not saying our presentation lured LeBron and Bosh here singlehandedly. But I am saying I have a NBA Championship ring, so…. 


